3 medicines for Dysentery
Merc Sol- Stool slimy, bloody, with colic and fainting; Great tenesmus during and after stool, followed by chilliness and ineffectual urge; never get done feeling; wants to remain a long time in the toilet; Great weakness after stool; Other gastric symptoms are aversion to meat, wine, fatty food, coffee and butter; Eructation, regurgitation, heart burn, nausea with vomiting; worse after milk and sweets; Salivation increased with coppery metallic tasting saliva; Tongue flabby, large, shows imprints of teeth, painful with ulcers; moist tongue but thirst is increased.
Ipecacuanha- Dysentery, when there are cold night after hot days; Continuous tenesmus, stool grassy green with white mucous, stool is fermented, foamy and slimy like frothy molasses; Constant urging with passage of small amount of mucous and bright red blood; Dysentery with persistent nausea and vomiting of bile; Complete absence of thirst with clean tongue.
Cantharis- Stool with passage of white or pale red tough mucus with stool like scrapings from intestine, with streaks of blood, great burning, tenesmus and shuddering after stool; Constant urging to urinate and defecate, but passes only small quantities of bloody urine and bloody stool at a time; there is great burning and soreness of anus.
Labels: Disorders of Digestive systems
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