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3 medicines for Carbuncle

Echinacea- Echinacea is a wonderful medicine for carbuncles; the septic stage, the prostration and the pain are well met by it and it may also be applied externally.

Lachesis- Lachesis is a very useful medicine when the surface is swollen and pus forms very slowly. The parts are purplish looking with evidence of blood poisoning; there is great burning, relieved by washing in cold water. Small boils surrounding the main sore is a valuable indication. Carbuncle which slough and are very offensive calls for Lachesis.

Silicea- This medicines is used to speed up healthy suppuration and promote healthy granulations; Carbuncles on back between the shoulders; other associated symptoms are dry and unhealthy skin, every little injury suppurates, oozing of offensive pus mixed with blood, healing is delayed, finger tips are dry and cracked, crippled nails.


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