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3 medicines for Appendicitis

Arsenic Alb- When the condition points to sepsis Arsenic may be the remedy. There are chills, hectic symptoms, diarrhea and restlessness, and sudden sinking of strength. It relieves vomiting in these conditions more quickly than any other remedy.

Dioscorea- Dioscorea is a very important a remedy in appendicitis. Its indications are bowels filled with gas and griping, twisting pains. It may be given in hot water. It is a deep acting inflammatory remedy and its paroxysmal pains are an indication.

Plumbum- Plumbum has a tense swelling in the ileo- caecal region, painful to touch and movement; the abdominal walls are retracted, there are eructations of gas and vomiting and both have a faecal odor.

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