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3 medicines for Angina

Amyl Nitrite- In acute attacks of Angina pectoris Amyl nitrite is usually the medicine given; it is given by olfaction of the crude substance. Its action is to produce a speedy dilation of the capillaries in the upper part of the body, the face becomes flushed, the hearts action is rapid and tumultuous, and there is a feeling as of a band around the head, constriction about the heart and oppressed breathing. It is very useful in relieving the paroxysm, and if the symptoms correspond, it will be found useful at other times.

Glonoine- Glonoine or Nitro glycerin is a very similar remedy. It has been proved and its action is fairly well known. The characteristic symptoms are throbbing all over the body in every vessel, a feeling of fullness in region of heart, and perhaps sharp pains radiating in all directions from heart, labored breathing and fluttering of the heart, it feels contracted.

Spigelia- Spigelia is a useful remedy in anguishing sub sternal pain which radiates to neck and arms, irregular pulse, tendency to syncope, palpitation and sharp stitches in heart, pulse week and irregular, or full and bounding with aggravation from the least motion.

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