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3 medicines for Debility

Carbo Vegetabilis- This remedy is especially suitable for weak and delicate old people mainly due to sudden loss of vital fluids and due to gastric derangements; Face is Hippocratic, very pale and cold; Pulse non- palpable at wrist; cold sweat with coldness of the body; cyanosis due to deficient circulation; Air hunger; Patient wants to be fanned constantly.

Phosphoric Acid- Phosphoric Acid suits to debility of nervous or functional origin, with burning in spine or limbs. It is characterized by indifference and torpidity of body and mind; debility from long continued nervous strain, over study, grief, worry, disappointed love, loss of vital fluids and sexual excesses; Listlessness and apathy with indifference to affairs of life; Mental apathy and tiredness of mind first and physical weakness later on.

Cinchona off- Functional debility due to loss of fluids, sexual excesses or from acute diseases; sinking at epigastrium due to debility. It is a great remedy for exhaustion and suits anemic debility from long lasting drains on the system.

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