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3 medicines for Cold

Aconite- When the attack comes on suddenly after an exposure to cold, dry wind, with chilliness, followed by fever, Aconite will be the remedy. It should be administered just as soon as the patient realizes that he is taking cold. There is yet no discharge, but from the congestion the nose is swollen, hot, and dry and stopped up, and this stoppage is apt to change from side to side; there is tingling and burning in the nose and a throbbing frontal headache; there may be sneezing also. These symptoms are all better in the open air.

Allium cepa- One of our best medicines for cold in the head; The discharge is profuse, thin and acrid, with great smarting in the nose and eyes; Under Allium the edges of the eyelids burns and the eyes are red and sensitive to light; The nasal discharge is thin and flows constantly, excoriates the upper lips, and there is prolonged sneezing; A peculiarity of Allium is that the discharge ceases when the patient goes into the open air, but returns when entering a warm room again; If there be a splitting laryngeal cough, causing the patient to wince and crouch with pain, it is all the more indicated.

Gelsemium- It will cure a cold at the beginning quicker than any other medicine with these indications- Fullness of the head, fever and chilliness, as if a cold were coming on; The patient is dull and weak, chills run up and down the back, with a watery, excoriating, or bland discharge from the nose and sneezing; Colds brought on by warm relaxing weather especially indicate Gelsemium, hence it seems to be most useful in spring and summer weather, and corresponds well to some epidemic colds; There is a predisposition to take cold on any change of weather; It has been found specially useful in influenzas with fever; It is a remedy that must be used early in cold.


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