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3 medicines for Climacteric Disorders

Lachesis- Lachesis suits especially women who never get well after ceasation of menstrual flow; “have never felt well since that time”. It corresponds to many climacteric troubles, such as hemorrhoids, hemorrhages, vertigo, burning on the vertex and headaches. It is the remedy for women worn out by frequent pregnancies, with sudden cessation of the menses, trembling pulse, headache, flushing of heat and rush of blood to the head, cold feet and constriction about the heart.

Cimicifuga- Cimicifuga is very often the remedy for the sufferings arises due to cessation of menses. There is sinking at the stomach, pain at the vertex and irritability of disposition. The patient is restless and unhappy, feels sad and grieved.

Caulophyllin 3x- It is indicated for nervous conditions following menopause; when there is great nervous tension and unrest with a propensity to work and worry about little things.



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3 medicines for Cold

Aconite- When the attack comes on suddenly after an exposure to cold, dry wind, with chilliness, followed by fever, Aconite will be the remedy. It should be administered just as soon as the patient realizes that he is taking cold. There is yet no discharge, but from the congestion the nose is swollen, hot, and dry and stopped up, and this stoppage is apt to change from side to side; there is tingling and burning in the nose and a throbbing frontal headache; there may be sneezing also. These symptoms are all better in the open air.

Allium cepa- One of our best medicines for cold in the head; The discharge is profuse, thin and acrid, with great smarting in the nose and eyes; Under Allium the edges of the eyelids burns and the eyes are red and sensitive to light; The nasal discharge is thin and flows constantly, excoriates the upper lips, and there is prolonged sneezing; A peculiarity of Allium is that the discharge ceases when the patient goes into the open air, but returns when entering a warm room again; If there be a splitting laryngeal cough, causing the patient to wince and crouch with pain, it is all the more indicated.

Gelsemium- It will cure a cold at the beginning quicker than any other medicine with these indications- Fullness of the head, fever and chilliness, as if a cold were coming on; The patient is dull and weak, chills run up and down the back, with a watery, excoriating, or bland discharge from the nose and sneezing; Colds brought on by warm relaxing weather especially indicate Gelsemium, hence it seems to be most useful in spring and summer weather, and corresponds well to some epidemic colds; There is a predisposition to take cold on any change of weather; It has been found specially useful in influenzas with fever; It is a remedy that must be used early in cold.


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3 medicines for Carbuncle

Echinacea- Echinacea is a wonderful medicine for carbuncles; the septic stage, the prostration and the pain are well met by it and it may also be applied externally.

Lachesis- Lachesis is a very useful medicine when the surface is swollen and pus forms very slowly. The parts are purplish looking with evidence of blood poisoning; there is great burning, relieved by washing in cold water. Small boils surrounding the main sore is a valuable indication. Carbuncle which slough and are very offensive calls for Lachesis.

Silicea- This medicines is used to speed up healthy suppuration and promote healthy granulations; Carbuncles on back between the shoulders; other associated symptoms are dry and unhealthy skin, every little injury suppurates, oozing of offensive pus mixed with blood, healing is delayed, finger tips are dry and cracked, crippled nails.


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Role of Homeopathy in Bronchitis

Bronchitis is an infection of the bronchial tubes that carry air from your throat to your lungs. When infected, bronchial tubes become inflamed, making it difficult to breath, and produce mucus which causes coughing. Other symptoms may include a slight fever, sore throat, muscle pain when breathing, and wheezing. It is even possible, during acute bronchitis, to cough so hard that the explosive vacuum you create in your lungs can crack or otherwise hurt your ribs, which makes further coughing even more painful.

Bronchitis can be either chronic or acute. Acute bronchitis is often the result of a cold or
flu, in which case it is said the cold 'turned into bronchitis'. Acute bronchitis is most often caused by a virus, rather than bacteria, so taking antibiotics will probably not help, although doctors often prescribe them because their patients insist.

Acute bronchitis will usually go away on its own. The best treatment is bed rest and fluids. Because bronchitis causes the buildup of mucus, an expectorant cough syrup can help thin down the mucus and make it easier to cough up. Drinking fluids will also help with this, as well as replace the fluids you lose to the infection. See your doctor if you are still having symptoms after two weeks - you may have another respiratory problem.

The best way to avoid acute bronchitis is the same way you would try to avoid a cold. Wash your hands often, disinfect as necessary during cold season, and avoid crowded or confined spaces if there's 'something going around'.

Chronic bronchitis is a condition most often seen in smokers. This is a more permanent inflammation of the bronchial tubes caused by the irritation of cigarette smoke. Chronic bronchitis is like an on-going, less severe case of acute bronchitis. The bronchial tubes are always slightly inflamed, mucus is always being produced, and the result is the 'smoker's hack'. The best cure for chronic bronchitis is to stop smoking, but if that is unworkable for you, cutting down can reduce the stress on your bronchial tubes and allow them to recover somewhat.

Homeopathic Medicines:
Belladonna- Belladonna suits cases of bronchitis with a violent fever, short, dry, continual, distressing cough, worse at night and on lying down, where the breathing is irregular and hurried, no expectoration, or if present, it is apt to be blood streaked, fullness in chest without any pain, the skin is hot and inclined to moisture; there is a tendency to drowsiness, the patient does not sleep, but dozes in semi conscious manner and starts frequently. The cough is spasmodic and the child cries after each paroxysm.

Phosphorus- Especially to sub acute cases in delicate, tall, slender, overgrown or phthisical subjects. Every cold settles in chest when coughing; Sense of heaviness and constriction in the chest; Paralytic weakness of lungs; Cough worse from laughing, talking, eating, drinking and when lying on right side; Expectoration is copious, bloody, rust colored, frothy but becomes thick, yellow and sweetish later on; Pain in sternum when coughing; whole body shakes and trembles with cough; great thirst for icy cold water; burning in chest and spine.

Antim Tart- This remedy corresponds to two stages of bronchitis, an early one and a late one. In the beginning of capillary bronchitis in young infants, or in old people, this remedy is very effective; there is sub-crepitant rales throughout the chest, wheezing, the cough sounds loose, but no phlegm is raised; in children’s the cough is infrequent, and the child becomes drowsy, the respiration is superficial, requiring labored efforts of the respiratory muscles, and vomiting of food and mucous may be present; the patients own mucous secretions drown him.


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3 Medicines for Backache

Rhus tox- A violent pain in the back, as if broken which is relieved from motion is the greatest characteristic of Rhus tox in backache. It is especially suitable to affections of the deeper muscles of the back; there are great pains, dull, bruised and aching on attempting to rise, showing, thus the aggravation on commencing motion; it is more suitable to the chronic forms of lumbago; the backache of Rhus is better from pressure, but worse in bed; the Rhus patient likes to lie on something hard.

Calcarea Fluor- It is very effective medicine for backache, especially the backache simulating spinal irritation. It has pain in the lower part of the back, with fullness or burning pain. Lumbago worse on beginning to move and relieved by continued motion; It is also a good medicine for lumbago due to strains.

Aesculus- Aesculus is a useful medicine in backache which is worse when walking. It is a severe, continuous, dull aching in the lumbo-sacral region, affecting the sacrum and hips and the back gives out when walking. Backache during pregnancy will often be suggestive of Aesculus, when the pain is worse from walking and stooping.

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3 Medicines for Asthma

Ipecac- This is very effective remedy for asthma, especially to the spasmodic variety where the symptoms are great weight and anxiety about the chest; sudden wheezing, dysponoea, threatening suffocation aggravated by motion; the cough causes gagging and vomiting. The cough is constant, the chest seems full of phlegm, yet none is expectorated, and the extremities are covered with cold perspiration.

Arsenic Alb- The symptoms of asthma aggravates just after midnight in arsenic patients; the patient is anxious and restless, he cannot lie down for the fear of suffocation. There is anxiety and general sweat, and burning pain and soreness of chest. It is especially the remedy if the disease is chronic and the dyspnoea is dry & habitual. There is thirst for small quantity of water in short intervals. The asthma of arsenic is accompanied by great debility and burning in the chest, and is especially useful in anemic persons.

Natrum Sulph- Its general symptoms are worse on change to damp weather; moist asthma with a great deal of rattling in the chest; looseness of bowels after each attack; the attacks generally comes on 4 or 5 O’clock in the morning with cough with copious greenish expectoration; good medicine for asthma of hay fever; another symptom of natrum sulph which is characteristic is that the patient must sit up and hold the chest with the hands during the attack.


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3 Medicines for Arthritis

Colchicum- Colchicum is indicated in arthritis where the swelling is red or pale, with extreme tenderness to touch, a tendency to shift about from joint to joint, and pains are worse on the slightest motion. If the general symptoms of great prostration of the muscular system and abdominal bloating is present colchicum is the remedy. It is indicated when the smaller joints, fingers, toes, wrists and ankles are affected; the pains are very violent, patient cannot bear to have the parts touched or to have anyone come near him.

Ledum- Ledum is a useful remedy in gout as well as in arthritis; the indicative symptoms are swelling of the ball of great toe, sore and painful on stepping, drawing pains worse from warmth, pressure and from motion. It has also gouty nodosities in the joints; all pains of Ledum travel upwards. Ledum is a cold remedy; there is general chilliness and lack of heat in Ledum patients.

Urtica urens- This remedy is very effective for arthritis by this medicine pain and swelling subsides and large quantities of sand are passed.

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3 medicines for Appendicitis

Arsenic Alb- When the condition points to sepsis Arsenic may be the remedy. There are chills, hectic symptoms, diarrhea and restlessness, and sudden sinking of strength. It relieves vomiting in these conditions more quickly than any other remedy.

Dioscorea- Dioscorea is a very important a remedy in appendicitis. Its indications are bowels filled with gas and griping, twisting pains. It may be given in hot water. It is a deep acting inflammatory remedy and its paroxysmal pains are an indication.

Plumbum- Plumbum has a tense swelling in the ileo- caecal region, painful to touch and movement; the abdominal walls are retracted, there are eructations of gas and vomiting and both have a faecal odor.

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3 medicines for Angina

Amyl Nitrite- In acute attacks of Angina pectoris Amyl nitrite is usually the medicine given; it is given by olfaction of the crude substance. Its action is to produce a speedy dilation of the capillaries in the upper part of the body, the face becomes flushed, the hearts action is rapid and tumultuous, and there is a feeling as of a band around the head, constriction about the heart and oppressed breathing. It is very useful in relieving the paroxysm, and if the symptoms correspond, it will be found useful at other times.

Glonoine- Glonoine or Nitro glycerin is a very similar remedy. It has been proved and its action is fairly well known. The characteristic symptoms are throbbing all over the body in every vessel, a feeling of fullness in region of heart, and perhaps sharp pains radiating in all directions from heart, labored breathing and fluttering of the heart, it feels contracted.

Spigelia- Spigelia is a useful remedy in anguishing sub sternal pain which radiates to neck and arms, irregular pulse, tendency to syncope, palpitation and sharp stitches in heart, pulse week and irregular, or full and bounding with aggravation from the least motion.

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3 medicines for Anemia

Ferrum metallicum- It is a great homeopathic remedy for anemia, but it will not cure every case of anemia; careful individualization is necessary. When the patient has an appearance of full bloodedness or plethora, which is followed by a paleness or earthiness of the face and puffiness of the extremities, then ferrum met will benefit.

Cinchona- It is a very useful remedy for anemia resulting from loss of fluids, as in lactation or hemorrhage or from all exhausting discharges, such as menstrual flow, long lasting diarrhea and sexual excesses and loss of semen. Its symptoms are heaviness of the head, loss of sight, fainting and ringing in the ears, pale shallow complexion, sour belching, poor digestion and bloated abdomen. The patient is sensitive to draughts of air yet wants to be fanned.

Natrum Mur- This is one of our best remedies in anemic conditions. There is paleness, and in spite of the fact that the patient eats well, there is emaciation. There are attacks of throbbing headache and dyspnoea, especially on going upstairs, constipation and depression of spirits, and consolation aggravates. With these symptoms there is much palpitation, fluttering and intermittent action of the heart. Scanty menstruation is frequently an indicating symptom.

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3 medicines for After Pains

Cimicifuga- It is very useful remedy for after pains when they are very intense, they are worse about the region of the groin, and the patient is sensitive and cannot tolerate them.

Caullophyllum- Caullophyllum is another remedy which is useful for after pains. They are spasmodic in character and fly across the lower part of the abdomen. It comes in especially after a prolonged and exhausting labor. It is a specific for false labor pains.

Arnica- Arnica is a remedy usually prescribed in a routine way after labor for the soreness of the parts and it is very useful remedy in after pains.


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3 medicines for Alcoholism

Nux Vomica- Nux is the great anti-alcoholic remedy. It corresponds to the tremor, headache, bad taste, and also to the delirium tremens, where every little noise frightens and the person becomes restless. The tremor is marked with irritability, frightful vision and gastric disturbance. It is very effective remedy while the patient is still under the influence of liquor or for any stage of alcoholism.

Sulphuric Acid- This medicine is used in chronic alcoholics whose stomach will not tolerate the slightest amount of food. They cannot drink water unless it will be whisked. They are quick and hasty in everything and have a great and constant craving for brandy. It is also given for sour breath and vomiting of alcoholic dyspepsia.

Spiritus glandium quercus- It is recommended by many Homeopaths as a powerful antidote to the effects of alcohol and in their opinion it will frequently cause a disgust for alcoholic beverages.


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3 medicines for Gangrene

Arsenic Alb- For dry gangrene in old people; soreness and burning relieved by warmth, restlessness. It is often indicated in gangrene of the lungs. Arsenic has a fetid diarrhea, great weakness, emaciation, and coldness and heat alternately.

Secale- It is effective in senile gangrene with tingling and formication; dry gangrene of toes; the skin is wrinkled and dry, shriveled and cold, no sensibility, black and free from foetor; large ecchymoses and blood blisters, which becomes gangrenous, will indicate the remedy.

Carbo Veg- Carbuncle and boil, becoming gangrenous; there is no restlessness as in arsenic, but the parts have a livid purple look, and they are icy cold. It also suits moist gangrene in cachectic persons whose vitality is weak; the secretion is foul and there is great prostration.


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3 medicines for Anal Fissure

Graphites- Constipation is usually an associated symptom; Stool large, hard, knotty, passed with extreme pain; knotty stool united by mucous threads; no desire for stool for many days, it requires long time with great straining to pass the stool; smarting sore pain in anus after stool; fissures are usually caused by large faeces; the part are sore and smart.

Nitric Acid- This remedy becomes important one in fissures where there is a sensation as if splinters and sticks were in the anus. There is much tenesmus and constriction and a constant oozing of the fetid matter from the parts, with burning rawness and smarting; Pain in the rectum remains for many hours after stool; extreme painful to touch and bleeds easily during stool.

Paeonia- Fissures with much oozing; the anus is moist and sore, smarts all the time; burning and soreness lasts several hours after stool; symptoms are slightly ameliorated on walking.

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3 medicines for amenorrhoea

Pulsatilla- It is a very useful and commonly used medicine for suppression of menstrual flow. Menses too late, scanty, with intermittent flow, flow more during the day; Flow is thick, dark and changeable; Diarrhea during and after menses; Delayed menarche (first menstruation); menstrual flow suppressed from getting feet wet, nervous debility and chlorosis.

Calcarea carb- It is indicated in fleshy, scrofulous girls with fair complexion, who perspires easily about the head; First menses are delayed; congestion of blood to the head or chest giving rise to lung trouble instead of menstrual flow. Uterine flow is associated with headache, bearing down pain in uterus and back; Profuse milky leucorrhoea with itching and burning in vulva after the menses.

Ferrum met- This is very useful medicine for menstrual delays due to debility; It is indicated for weak, chlorotic women with flushed face, with blue margins around the eyes. Other indicative symptoms are debility, languor, palpitation, sickly complexion and swelling on the ankles. Patient is anemic and there is great weakness.

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