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3 Medicines for Earache

Aconite- It is a very useful remedy for severe pain in acute otitis; the affected part of ear becomes red, with stinging, lancinating or throbbing pains and great sensitiveness; It is effective in earaches from sudden change of temperature; it is worse at night at night; Patient is extremely restless mentally and physically; patient tosses in agony, changes his position often to get some relief.

Pulsatilla- It is a great ear remedy. It has a specific curative power in otitis externa; the ear is hot, red and swollen, and the pain is very severe darting, tearing and pulsating type which are worse at night; it is also highly effective in acute inflammation of the middle ear; it is also indicated in the problems like oozing of profuse thick yellowish discharge from the ear, deafness and a feeling as if the ears were stopped up, or if something were being forced out; there are also roaring noises with itching deep in the ear.

Plantago- It is used as homeopathic specific for earache; it works great when applied locally; earache associated with toothache; pain goes through head from one ear to the other.

There are several other medicine in Homeopathy which are used in earache and other ear related problems such as Belladonna, tellurium, hydrastis, kali sulph, ferrum phos, kali muriaticum, mag phosphorica, kali phosphoricum, chamomilla, borax, dulcamara, sanguinaria, capsicum, calcarea carb, nitric acid, kali bichromicum, aurum, baryta carb, phosphorus, mercurius, mercurius dulcis, graphites, carbo veg, carbo animalis, iodine, silicea, hepar sulph, lachesis, crotalus, conium, causticum, chenopodium, sulphur, psorinum, etc.

Home Remedies:

1) For ear aches, put 2 drops of Crisco Oil into the sore ear and it will relieve within minute.

2) Take about 2-3 cups of salt and heat it (warm not hot) in a frying pan. Place the salt in an all white tube sock. Tie off the sock and lay the ear that hurts on the sock (Do Not put the sock on your ear, because the salt granules may drop in your ear. Put under your ear as you lay watching T.V. or before bed. You want the salt to be warm enough for it to the hold the heat for awhile, if it is too hot just put a towel over the salt and sock until it is bearable to the touch of your ear.

3) Cut a piece of garlic. Wrap it with a piece of cotton ball, soak it with alcohol. Squeeze the excess alcohol and place it in the ear that aches. (Make it small enough to fit it the ear).

4) Soak half a cotton wool ball in olive oil place in the microwave (approx 20 seconds on mine) till its warm NOT hot, squeeze out excess oil so it’s damp, and then place in ear.

5) Put few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in painful ear and wait for 10 minutes this is good for earaches due to infections.

6) Warm onion juice and put 2-3 drops in painful ear to get relieve from earache.

7) Extracts the juice of mango leaves and warm it slightly. Put few drops in painful ear and wait for sometime.

8) Put two pieces of garlic in two teaspoonful of mustard oil and heat it till the garlic turns black. Allow it to cool and it becomes luke warm put few drops in ears.

9) Urinate in a cup, put it in an eye dropper and put few drops in painful ear.

10) Grind a few Holy basil leaves and extract some juice. Apply 2 drops inside the ear.

11) Boil 3-4 cloves of Garlic in some water. Mash them and add a pinch of salt. Wrap this poultice in a flannel or woolen cloth and place on the aching ear.

12) Infuse mullein's essential essences into olive oil and use as eardrops.

13) A warm compress-such as a towel rung out in hot water and pressed against the ear-brings the most immediate relief.

14) A hot water bottle wrapped in a towel also makes a comforting pillow for an aching ear.

15) Witch hazel is helpful in treating swimmer's ear. Make a tincture of witch hazel, goldenseal, or Oregon grape root and calendula. Apply to the outer ear. Rue can also diminish the pain and inflammation.

16) Lavender Oil Ear Rub- Take 10 drops lavender pure essential oil & 5ml or 1tsp of almond oil blend together & rub in gently to the outer ear. This oil rub can be used as need throughout the day. It is very effective in earaches.

17) Eucalyptus Oil Steam Inhalation- Take few drops of eucalyptus pure essential oil &
Add oil to a bowl of boiled water. Place towel over head inhale the steam through the nose. Repeat 3 times a day.

18) If nothing works than try this........


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