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3 medicines for Dysentery

Merc Sol- Stool slimy, bloody, with colic and fainting; Great tenesmus during and after stool, followed by chilliness and ineffectual urge; never get done feeling; wants to remain a long time in the toilet; Great weakness after stool; Other gastric symptoms are aversion to meat, wine, fatty food, coffee and butter; Eructation, regurgitation, heart burn, nausea with vomiting; worse after milk and sweets; Salivation increased with coppery metallic tasting saliva; Tongue flabby, large, shows imprints of teeth, painful with ulcers; moist tongue but thirst is increased.

Ipecacuanha- Dysentery, when there are cold night after hot days; Continuous tenesmus, stool grassy green with white mucous, stool is fermented, foamy and slimy like frothy molasses; Constant urging with passage of small amount of mucous and bright red blood; Dysentery with persistent nausea and vomiting of bile; Complete absence of thirst with clean tongue.

Cantharis- Stool with passage of white or pale red tough mucus with stool like scrapings from intestine, with streaks of blood, great burning, tenesmus and shuddering after stool; Constant urging to urinate and defecate, but passes only small quantities of bloody urine and bloody stool at a time; there is great burning and soreness of anus.


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3 medicines for Diarrhea

Aloe Soc- Feeling of weakness and loss of power of sphincter ani; Sense of insecurity of rectum; Gushing of thin, yellow, offensive excoriating stool which burn like fire; anus is sore; sensation as if stool would pass when passing flatus; feeling of fullness and weight in the abdomen; Loud rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen; stool passes out with noise like water out of a bung hole; stools involuntary; Diarrhea immediately after eating and drinking.

Gelsemium- Diarrhea from fright, from anticipation, from fear of appearing in examination or any public meeting; or from bad news or sudden grief or emotional excitement; involuntary diarrhea with relaxation of anus; painless, pale or tea green stools; patient is completely thirst less; Patient is dull, dizzy and drowsy; Diarrhea with mental sluggishness.

Podophyllum- Diarrhea of children, during teething, after eating, while being bathed or washed; diarrhea of long standing, early in the morning, continues through forenoon, followed by natural stool in evening; Stool green, watery, offensive and profuse, gushing out, chalk like, undigested; Stool with sensation of weakness or sinking in abdomen and rectum; prolapse of rectum before or with stool; Headache in winters and diarrhea in summers


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3 medicines for Diabetes

Uranium Nitrate- This remedy is effective in diabetes originating in dyspepsia; It has polyuria, polydypsia, dryness of the mouth and skin; presence of sugar in urine; It lessens the sugar and quantity of urine; Uranium is indicated when the disease is due to assimilative derangements and the symptoms are defective digestion, languor, debility and much sugar in the urine, enormous appetite and thirst; instead of eating well the patient continues to emaciate.

Phosphoric Acid- It corresponds to diabetes of nervous origin; the urine is increased, milky in color and containing much sugar; It suits cases due to grief and anxiety, those who are indifferent and apathetic, poor in mental and physical force; It cures diabetes mellitus in early stages with great debility and bruised feeling in the muscles; there will be loss of appetite, sometimes unquenchable thirst and perhaps the patient will be troubled with boils; When patients passes large quantity of pale colorless urine or where there is much phosphate deposit in the urine it is the remedy.

Lactic Acid- Very effective remedy in the gastro hepatic variety of diabetes. The symptoms are: profuse urination, urine is light yellow in color and saccharine, increased thirst, nausea, debility, voracious appetite, dryness of skin, dry tongue and gastralgia.

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What is Teething?

Teething is when a baby's teeth begin to push through the gums. These teeth begin to appear as early as three months of age in humans, or as late as a year. It can take a few years for the entire first set of teeth to appear, though it is often complete within one or two years. Occasionally an infant will be born with one or more teeth already protruding from the gums, but this is no cause for alarm.

Though the order in which teeth appear during teething differs from person to person, it tends to follow a general pattern. The first teeth to appear are nearly always the central incisors, those two teeth in the center of the mouth on the bottom. The top central and lateral incisors appear next, which are the four central top teeth. Next come the bottom lateral incisors, the two teeth on either side of the bottom central incisors. Then the basic molars, in the back of the jaw. And lastly, the eye teeth, the pointed teeth on the top. Most infants have twenty baby, or milk, teeth in all.

Female infants tend to begin teething at a slightly earlier age than males, but the difference is negligible, usually no more than a few months between siblings who share two parents. During teething, infants may experience a considerable amount of discomfort and pain, which leads to a high level of irritability. Other infants may have virtually no discomfort and make it through the entire teething process without exhibiting any signs of pain whatsoever. Slightly increased temperatures are common when teeth are breaking through the gums, but should not create feverish states, and any surprising shifts in temperature should be looked at by a physician.
While babies are teething they tend to drool a lot, and it is important to wipe the drool clean regularly to make sure no rashes develop. While teething, most infants also like to chew on things to help alleviate the discomfort caused by swollen gums. It is best to have teething toys or aids available to ensure that your favorite socks don't become impromptu teething cloths! Dampening a washcloth and putting it in a freezer for fifteen minutes to half an hour makes a wonderful teething aid, and a number of commercial teething rings which may be partially frozen are also available.

Even before the first teeth appear, brushing should begin. The gums should be brushed softly with water. Once teeth begin appearing, brushing with only water should continue. Even though these teeth will fall out before long, allowing them to decay can cause gaps which will lead to future problems, as permanent teeth squeeze in to try to fill the gaps and leave the mouth an orthodontic nightmare. Once the child is old enough to spit out toothpaste, brushing may begin to incorporate toothpaste as well as water.

While the term teething refers to the process of the teeth breaking through the gums, in the common vernacular it may also be used to describe the tendency on infants and the young of other species to chew on whatever is handy while they are going through the teething process.

Medicines for proper dentition:

Chamomilla- Good remedy for ailments during dentition; Child is very irritable, with swollen, inflamed and tender gums; Pain in gums worse by application of heat or by warm things and it is better by cold application; child is peevish and fretful, one cheek is red, the other pale. The head and face are bathed in sweat, and a greenish, offensive diarrhea is present; the mental condition of the child will invariably indicate the drug.

Belladonna- It is especially indicated by its cerebral congestion, high fever and tendency to convulsions, violent starting and red face during dentition; Convulsions during teething with high fever, head hot and feet cold; Pupils dilated, eyes half closed and wide open, chewing motion, twitching and jerking of muscles of face and extremities; skin covered with hot sweat.

Calcarea Phos- Calcarea suits especially emaciated, rachitic children with open fontanelles, who are slow in teething and all the mile stones are delayed; slow in learning to do things, slow in learning to walk, in dentition, in mental development; legs are too weak to support the body; delayed and difficult dentition; diarrhea during dentition; teeth decay soon; sensitive to touch, pressure or when masticating.


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3 medicines for Debility

Carbo Vegetabilis- This remedy is especially suitable for weak and delicate old people mainly due to sudden loss of vital fluids and due to gastric derangements; Face is Hippocratic, very pale and cold; Pulse non- palpable at wrist; cold sweat with coldness of the body; cyanosis due to deficient circulation; Air hunger; Patient wants to be fanned constantly.

Phosphoric Acid- Phosphoric Acid suits to debility of nervous or functional origin, with burning in spine or limbs. It is characterized by indifference and torpidity of body and mind; debility from long continued nervous strain, over study, grief, worry, disappointed love, loss of vital fluids and sexual excesses; Listlessness and apathy with indifference to affairs of life; Mental apathy and tiredness of mind first and physical weakness later on.

Cinchona off- Functional debility due to loss of fluids, sexual excesses or from acute diseases; sinking at epigastrium due to debility. It is a great remedy for exhaustion and suits anemic debility from long lasting drains on the system.

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3 medicines for Constipation

Nux Vomica – Nux Vomica is indicated in constipation with frequent, ineffectual desire for stool. Small quantities of faeces are passed every time. Sensation as if not finished. Constipation is due to sedentary habits, excessive mental exertion, loss of sleep, sexual excesses, alcoholic stimulants, coffee, tobacco and over eating.

Opium- The constipation of Opium is due to absolute inaction of the intestines, a regular paralysis of the intestine, a regular paralysis of the peristaltic movement. There is an absence of desire, absolutely no urging to stool whatever, and so the faeces become impacted in the bowel; and when passed at all come in little, hard, dry, black balls. It is indicated especially in constipation of old people.

Alumina- The constipation of Alumina is due to dryness of the intestinal tract; there is diminished peristaltic movement and complete inertia of the rectum, so that we have the symptom, ‘soft stool expelled with difficulty”. There is little or no urging to stool. The stool may be hard and knotty like sheep dung, or may be soft. There is much straining with the remedy and the stool is passed in very small quantities.

3 leading medicines are described in this blog, the other medicines used for constipation are bryonia, sulphur, plumbum, nat mur, lycopodium, graphites, platina, silicea, causticum, veratrum alb, podophyllum, phosphorus, etc.


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