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Terms related to homeopathy

Antidote – It is a substance or a medicine which modifies or opposes the effects of a remedy, i.e. Nux vom and Coffea ; Bell and Opium; Bryonia and Rhus tox.

Characteristic Symptoms- It is the individualizing symptoms of a drug. In its complete expression it should belong to a drug alone.

Concordant Remedies- Drugs whose actions are similar but of dissimilar origin are said to be concordant and they follow each other well i.e. China and Calcarea; Pulsatilla and Sepia; Nitric and Thuja; Belladonna and Mercurius.

Complementary- A relation wherein one drug completes the cure which was commenced by another drug, i.e. Belladonna and Calcarea, sulphur and Nux vom, Apis and Natrum mur.

Drug- A substance which can alter the function or structure of a part or parts of the body is known as drug. It has the capacity to effect a change in the human or animals in health or disease.

Drug power- It is the amount of crude drug contained in it.

Generic symptoms- Generic symptoms are common or general symptoms present in various diseases. They are loss of appetite, weakness, and headache. They are of little value to the homeopathic physician.

Inimical Remedies- Drugs which have a relation of enmity towards each other or drugs having opposite actions which do not follows each others well are called inimical remedies. For example: Apis and Rhus tox; Phosphorus and Causticum; Silicea and Mercurius.

Materia Medica- Materia Medica is the study of drugs- medical materials for the cure of the sick. It is a book which contains the collected facts from different experimentations, clinical experiences, including their pharmacodynamics effects of the drugs and their method of application and doses.

Materia Madica Pura- A book written by Dr. Hahnemann himself is called as material madica pura. It is said a pura because it contains the pure or the most reliable effects of drugs so experimented on himself or to his followers under his supervision.

Mother Tincture- The strongest liquid preparation used in homeopathy and made by macerating of the drug or portion of it in alcohol or water.

Nosodes- The homeopathic designation for the morbid product of diseases when employed as remedies i.e. Psorinum, Ambra grisea, Tuberculinum.

Objective Symptoms- Are those which appeal directly to sense of the physician.

Subjective symptoms- A symptom which the patient experiences and can express in language are known as subjective symptoms.

It is an inert preparation, usually of sugar of milk, given to the patient, while watching a case for development of symptoms or while permitting a previously administered drug to act undisturbed. It is also some times necessary in impatient cases.

Short acting remedy- A remedy whose action lasts for a comparatively long period, e.g. Aconite, Aethusa cynapium, Allium cepa, Avena sativa, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Colocynth, Ipecac etc.

Long acting remedy- A remedy whose action lasts for a comparatively long period, e.g. Anthracinum, Bacillinum, Calcarea flour, Carcinosin, Kali carb, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mallandrium, Nat mur, Pertusin, Psorinum, Silicea, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, etc.

Therapeutics- It is the application of drug to diseases for their relief or cure, besides this, it includes all that relates to the science and art of healing by other remedial measures.

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