hOmEo - JuNcTiOn

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3 medicines for Colic

Colocynth- This remedy is specific in colic in gouty and rheumatic subjects, when the well known griping pains forcing the patient to bend double or press something hard into the abdomen are present. It is a colic caused due to gas formation, undigested food or cold, or perhaps some violent emotion such as a fit of anger. Diarrhea may be present along with colic and the emission of flatus or stool will relieve the colic. It is also a most useful remedy in menstrual or vesical colic.

Dioscorea- Continuous and constant pain about umbilical region associated with paroxysms of great intensity add flatulent spasms; relieved by stretching the body out; Bilious, rheumatic and neuralgic colic’s. Pains radiate to chest and back; it is a most valuable remedy in certain forms of dyspepsia which marked with much colicky pain. Dioscorea is most useful in painful enteralgias which are relieved by bending backwards.

Nux vomica- Haemorrhoidal colic or spasmodic colic from accumulation of flatus; Deep seated hypogastric pain, abdomen hard and drawn in, not distended. Colic from dietetic errors or in brandy and coffee drinkers; pains worse on motion, pain pinching and contractive, griping as if intestines were rubbed between stones.


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