3 medicines for Colic

Dioscorea- Continuous and constant pain about umbilical region associated with paroxysms of great intensity add flatulent spasms; relieved by stretching the body out; Bilious, rheumatic and neuralgic colic’s. Pains radiate to chest and back; it is a most valuable remedy in certain forms of dyspepsia which marked with much colicky pain. Dioscorea is most useful in painful enteralgias which are relieved by bending backwards.
Nux vomica- Haemorrhoidal colic or spasmodic colic from accumulation of flatus; Deep seated hypogastric pain, abdomen hard and drawn in, not distended. Colic from dietetic errors or in brandy and coffee drinkers; pains worse on motion, pain pinching and contractive, griping as if intestines were rubbed between stones.
Labels: Disorders of Digestive systems