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3 medicines for Acne

Sulphur- Sulphur is mostly indicated in chronic cases of acne. The skin is rough, hard and unhealthy; acne is associated with comedones; Sulphur patients are usually constipated; skin affections are aggravated from water in sulphur patients.

Kali bromatum- Acne on the face, neck and shoulders; acne in epileptics who have been maltreated by bromides; this medicine is especially indicated for acne simplex and for acne indurata, especially in sensitive and nervous persons. It is also useful in acne cases due to sexual excesses.

Calcarea Sulph- Being the chief blood purifier it is a very useful medicine for acne. It is indicated in all types of acne in the suppurative stage; or in all stages in acne having the tendency to suppurate.


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3 medicines for abscess

Belladonna- Belladonna is the remedy most often indicated for the initial stage of abscess. The part swells rapidly becomes bright red and there is intense throbbing with painfulness. It is indicated in abscess before pus formation.

Hepar Sulph- Hepar Sulph is the great homeopathic remedy for suppuration where the pus is not decomposed. Excessive sensitiveness of the parts is a leading indication. Other symptoms indicated are- chilly sensations, throbbing in the parts, sharp stitching pains which are worse at night and from cold.

Silicea- Silicea is the remedy where the suppuration continues and the wound delays to heal, no matter where the suppurative process is located; the pus is thin and watery. Silicea helps to fasten the suppurative process by which the pus becomes benign and granulation appears. Silicea is usually prescribed after an abscess has been opened. Silicea patient feels better by warmth.


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3 medicines for measles

Arsenic Alb- Arsenic is indicated in cases which do not run a favorable course. Eruptions are black, malignant type. Great sinking of strength, prostration, restlessness, physical as well as mental. All discharges are scanty and acrid. Diarrhea with dark colored, offensive, watery and acrid stool. Exhausting diarrhea. Patient has thirst for sips of cold water at frequent interval.

Bryonia Alb- Bryonia is well suited when the rashes appear late and inflammatory conditions of chest are associated. There is dry and painful cough. Severe bodyache, headache, dryness of mucous membranes and stitching pain in chest are the associated symptoms. Great unquenchable thirst for large quantities of cold water at longer interval. Patient is constipated. All the symptoms aggravate by motion.

Pulsatilla- Pulsatilla is a good medicine for measles. It is indicated in later cases when fever has subsided. There is profuse coryza and lacrymation, dry cough usually in evening and at night but loose in daytime. For earache and gastric disturbances along with measles. There may be diarrhea. Other symptoms are- thirstlessness with dryness of mouth and desire for open air.

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3 medicines for screaming of child before urination

Borax- Child has frequent urination and screams before urine passes. The urine burns and the orifice of urethra pains as if sore, after urinating. There is desire to urinate, without being able to pass a drop. Pungent smell of urine. Small red particles are present on diaper.

Lycopodium- Screaming of child before urinating with presence of red sand. Pain in back relieved by urinating. Involuntary urination while sleeping in small children. Profuse urination during the night.

Sarsaparilla- Child screams before and while passing urine. Unbearable pain at conclusion of urination; Bladder distended and tender; Urines dribbles while sitting and passes freely while standing.

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Loss of hair either partial or general is known as Alopecia. It arises due to changes in the hair follicle, which deprives it of its power of forming hair. This is a disease of hair follicle, which varies from a mere thinning of the hair to complete baldness. It occurs in both sexes. It’s well known varieties are: Alopecia congenita, Alopecia prematura, Alopecia Senilis, Alopecia Areata.

Leading Homeopathic Remedies:

Ammonium Mur: Large accumulation of bran like scales, with falling of hair, which has a dull and lusterless appearance with great itching of the scalp.

Arsenicum: Loss of hairs from the scalp in circular patches, patches of the scalp are rough, dirty looking and the scalp is covered with dry scales. Hair falls out from the front of the head.

Baryta Carbonica: Baldness, especially of the crown, in young people; scalp becomes very sensitive to touch and scratching.

Calc carbonicum: Falling of hair while combing; dry hair with sensitive scalp; yellowish or white scales on the scalp; sensation of coldness of head.

Cantharis: Falling of hair while combing especially during confinement and lactation; dandruff on scalp.

Carboveg: Falling of hair after childbirth & due to severe illnesses; hairs falls out more on back of head.

Fluoric acid: Falling of hair due to congestion of blood to head; the new hair is dry and breaks easily; hair fall in syphilitic patients.

Graphites: The most important remedy in alopecia areata.

Lycopodium: Hair becomes grey early; falling of hairs due to abdominal diseases; after parturition; with burning scaling and itching of the scalp.

Nat Muriaticum: Hairs falls out when touched or combed, mainly from front, temples and beard; this medicine is very useful in falling of hair in nursing women.

Phosphoric Acid: Falling of hair due to general debility; hair falls especially from the sides of the head, in consequence of grief or anguish.

Phosphorus: Falling out of hair in tufts, especially from crown of the head, due to sickness or mental emotions.

Sepia: Losing of hair after chronic headaches; much itching of the scalp.

Silicea: Premature baldness.

Staphysagria: Hair falls out, mostly from occiput and around the ears, with humid, foetid eruption of dandruff on the scalp. Hair pulls out without pain after the slightest effort.

Syphilinum: Great falling off of hair in syphilitics. The hair falls out in circular patches both in head and beard.

Thalium: Falling of hairs due to excessive perspiration causing baldness. Alopecia occurs after acute exhausting diseases.

Thuja: Falling off of hair due to dry white scaly dandruff.

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